Sample chips of all of the available finishes for the Tectus Hinges.
Custom powder coating is available for orders of 200+ hinges.
NOTE: We understand how important it is to actually touch, feel, and see the actual finish. These are great for architects, designers, or anyone who want to match finishes on a project.
But these are also expensive to produce. So we have three options for you to obtain finish samples:
-  Buy the finish samples for $45.5625. They are yours. Keep them.
   2. Buy the finish samples of $45.5625. Keep them for up to 30 days. Return them for a full credit within 30 days. If you keep them past 30 days, they are yours and can not be returned for a credit.
   3. Buy the finish samples for $45.5625. Purchase at least $1,000 in Tectus hinges or accessories within 30 days of the finish sample purchase, and we will credit you $45.5625 toward that order. The finish samples are yours to keep.